Tuesday, September 20, 2011

28 Weeks

Well hello Third Trimester!  Wow, the second trimester skated by, I don't even remember it! But we are two thirds of the way there. We are so excited and nervous at the same time!

 We need to buy a new point and shoot - this camera has been so wonderful but its life is coming to an end.
Anyone want to spare a few hundred bucks?! ♥
Things have been going really well  on the home front, we cleaned the basement. All the tools have a place and we have a place to work on projects. The laundry area is clean and lint free. We threw out a ton of junk we didn't need anymore and just got it really nice. I wanted to be able to put bins downstairs and now it is clean and we have room. Perfect.

We have also been working on the hallway and stairs just to make them a little more home-y. We finished the frames going up the stairs, added a frame in between the two bedrooms and bought a runner for the hallway. Looks so pretty! Now I just need to figure out what I really want to put in the frames.

This past weekend was so nice, it was a lazy weekend for the most part. We still got stuff done but didn't have a million and one things to do. We went to Oktoberfest with some of hubs work buddies. It was fun, just nice to kick back and dance to some old German guys voice. I was done about three hours in, the lack of alcohol tends to make my attention span shorter than usual.

We also looked at strollers at Buy Buy Baby this weekend. We had skipped this part when we first did our registry, pretty much because I was unsure about what I wanted. I was talking with some moms and got thier feedback, they were saying that a Snap and Go is the best for when they are little. So my mom found one at a consignment shop for cheap cheap and thats what we are going to do. I am pretty excited about it because I like the idea of it being small and compact. With this system we registered for a car seat and base for one car. We looked into getting another base but then we were talking about when baby girl grows. We will need a seat that fits a bigger kid at some point so we registered for a different car seat for when she gets bigger. I like it, you can put them in as little as 5 pounds and it grows with them until 100 pounds. Pretty smart people. The carrier only hold up to 30 pounds I believe. Well enough about baby things.

I had a freak out this weekend thinking the shower was two weeks away. its really 4 weekends away but still. WOW. Only 4. I am so excited!!!!

Pregnancy Symptoms:

Skin: Doing good, getting drier as the weather changes. My belly and boobs are itchy itchy. My belly button is all sorts of distorted, its so funny looking. It is rising closer and closer to the surface.

Back Issues: My ribs! OW OW OW. They hurt so much all the time. I really feels like someone if hanging off of them. The downward pressure on them is really uncomfortable and in the last few days I have been having lower back pains. I know its because my belly just keeps getting bigger, its a sharp freakin' zing every now and again. Really pleasant. Thanks baby.

Eating: No issues here. I have days where I just cannot get enough food and others where I go hours without eating. I just eat when I get hungry.

Cramps/Pain: I have had some round ligament pain more recently. Its duller than it has been in the past just a stretching feeling. 

Sleeping: Still so in love with my body pillow, although sleep is so touch and go. Some nights I will sleep longer and others I am up every few hours.

Mentally: I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that she could be here in ten weeks or thirteen. It is going so quickly! 

Baby Kicks: She is getting stronger, sometimes she catches me off guard and gets me good. I love it though. I really really love it. Sunday morning Hubs and I were talking and he got to feel her give a really big strong kick. He said he felt like he could grab her foot. Then he said he can't wait to hold her. Aww. Love.

Nose/ Eye Issues:My nose has been stuffy still but things are ok, my eye has had no issues so far. Woo.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mr Sand Man

Where the hell are you? I am pretty sure I politely asked for you to show up last night and you stood me up. I don't appreciate it.

I would love to sleep thru the whole night sometime soon. Last night I was up twice to use the bathroom and then the room was too hot so I opened the windows. I am definitely feeling it during the work day. I think I may start needing to nap for a few minutes. For real, I will sleep in my car I just cannot function properly on zero sleep. My eyes are heavy and I feel like a toddler who rubs their eyes when sleepy.

Just another joy of growing my baby.

I was going to make meatloaf for dinner tonight but it may be a make your own if I feel this way in another four hours.

I keep meaning to upload my 27 week picture. It will come. For now I try to focus on getting some work done and staying awake.

Seriously Mr. Sandman, tonight. You and me.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Small Projects

The rug came in today, i would take a picture and put it up but I am tired and lazy. No need to beat around the bush about it.

I did want to share some ideas about other baby projects. This weekend I am hoping to make some shelves for books. I saw someone use photo ledges and was super impressed so that is what the project for this weekend it, along with some others of course.

They will look like this except substitute the frames for books. They have a little lip on the front to help the items from slipping. I also painted a chalkboard to but on the shelf, just a little way to write love notes now and again.

I will post pictures of the final product hopefully this weekend.

I am also planning on reupholstering a bench my grandma gave it. This should not be a difficult project as it is a simple rectangle but we will see. I am hoping to use this fabric.

Its not as yellow green but more of a dark green upholstery fabric, very subtle. The lighter tones don't POP as much. I like it.

Funny thing I just looked online and it was 50% off. I wonder for how long, but thats cool.

I am putting out into the universe that I would like to sell the trundle beds soon so I can really start putting the room together. Next weekend is the wedding I have to shoot and the weekend after is camping so hopefully in the next two weeks it will be gone. Cross your fingers.

Well its late, I am tired. Tomorrows Friday.  :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The nesting has begun...

Wow September, nice to see you. You got here quickly.

I need a pause button, I need to get the time to slow the heck down. I just can't keep up. There is too much to do. I get really anxious, its insane.This month I am hoping to get a bunch done because I feel I need to, October seems to be such a wash of a month. Every weekend has something. AHH.

Yesterday was fun, err, for the crazed nesting woman. Hubs put up with it but the hallway is full of picture frames now, it is beautiful. Now if you asked me last week about it I would have told you its not a priority but yesterday it made its way to the top of the list and we finished it.

Big day we also bought the rug for the babies room, I am super excited! We are getting there! Overstock had a 15% off coupon and free shipping for labor day. Thank you very much!

I also took care of the Buy Buy Baby registry chair issue, or at least I think I did. It still does not show up online right. This is the one big piece we would like, everything else we were lucky enough to have hand-me-downs of, the crib, changing table, all we need is a chair. It looks just like this except I would like it in the oatmeal color with brown trim. Gorgeous Don't you agree. Even if you don't - bleh. I like it. I love it actually. I can't wait to own it.

I am not feeling too hot today, my stomach hurts so I don't know how much I will be getting done tonight but at least I can look up at the wall and marvel in the beauty.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

24 & 25 Weeks

I have been meaning to write my 24 weeks all week and now we switch to 25 weeks so I will lump all of them together.
24 Weeks 

25 Weeks

I am slightly in shock that we are here, wow 24 weeks. God forbid anything were to happen from here on out medical intervention would be used. Thats so crazy to think that its a reality. I have been getting tired easily, work is kicking my butt. I get home and I am pretty much out for the count, 2x this week I was in bed around 8 or before. Baby is getting heavier too, my back has to adjust to the extra weight and its harder to bend over. It all comes with the territory, its just weird that I am actually experiencing it.

We worked on cleaning out the nursery a little more, there are days when I get so anxious she is going to be here and we won't be ready. As with any couple, all of our weekends are booked. Even the ones that we don't have outside things going on, Hubs has to work. So its been just me. He was really good yesterday though, he tells me all the time to relax but sometimes I feel like he just doesn't get it. So I was working up a sweat and cleaning and he wanted nothing to do with it but then he said he had to run an errand. Now anyone that knows him knows that any errand is a two person job unless its a surprise or for me. So good go run your errand, I can't wait to see what you come home with. 20 minutes later I get a call asking what credit card he can purchase something with - hmm ok purchasing something - then about 15 minutes later he walks in the door holding the replacement wood pieces for the changing table!!! Yea. We bought replacement pieces from Home Depot but it was too thick so this half put together changing table was sitting in the living room for the last 6 weeks. And he knew it had to get done and did it. I was very thankful. Thats one thing off our list.

September looks like its a month to get things done for the most part. I am shooting a wedding and we are going camping so those weekend are shot. October and November are already filled. October we are going to a bills game, then we have a christening, then shower 1, then shower 2, then halloween. It looks like a busy month. November we have shower 3 so far and work is going to be even crazier. It will be 6 weeks till our due date by then. AHHH. See what I am saying. Time is flying.

Pregnancy Symptoms:

Skin: Been good, my belly is stretching and I think there are stretch marks looking. I know I will get them, baby just lays so low. My poor skin.

Back Issues: Been really good, couldnt make it to my Chiro this week but things feel really good. Towards the end of the evening my lower back hurts but thats to be expected.

Eating: Totally back on track - still eating cereal everyday. I can't get enough of it. Now i just have to make sure I am not eating too much.

Cramps/Pain: My legs have been really good, I can feel at night when they get tight but I try to stretch them out and then they are ok. There has not been any major episodes since the wedding weekend. I get cramps when I am walking at night sometimes but nothing major.

Sleeping: I think this is how I will be sleeping for the next few months - on and off. Baby kicks and I wake up, I need to turn and I wake up, I have a crazy dream and I wake up, lots of waking up in the middle of the night.

Mentally: Doing good, still seems surreal and the time just gets closer and closer.

Baby Kicks: I love them. Most favorite thing so far. I even love when hubs can feel them.

Nose/ Eye Issues: Well I had the loss of vision in one eye but they said it was an optical migraine so all good. And the nose still gets really stuffy sometimes. But I will take all of it over the heart burn feeling I had last week.

Guess what today is!

100 Days Until She Gets Here! 

Give or take of course because she makes the rules but HOLY COW. I am in disbelief. AHH so much to do, so little time. And if hubs read this (which he doesn't :( so I don't mind writing about him) he would tell me to relax take it easy, its not a big deal. Then I would shoot daggers with my eyes and the conversation would be over. But seriously, where has the time gone. The weeks turn so rapidly. We will be 26 weeks tomorrow. Yikes.

I still have to post the 24 and 25 week pictures. I am getting big. Wow. Wait and see.

I went to the doctors this week for another 4 week checkup and things were good. Weight was good, I am up 4 pounds since the beginning so I feel pretty good about that. I know in the next three months it will be more weight gain then so far but baby is growing rapidly. I also had a crazy eye issue while driving Wednesday, it went black and I could not see out of it. When I told my OB she wanted me to get it checked out soon as it could mean something more serious. I called the eye place and the receptionist agreed I needed to get in asap, Friday morning I saw the eye specialist and it as determined to be an optical migraine. It affects one eye, can have temporary loss of vision, does not hurt and does not create a headache. That pretty much sounds like what I had. If it happens again they will look further into it but for now it is what it is.

The crazy things that happen to your body! Well its 80 degrees in my house today so there will be lots of time spent at the beach I think and very little housework getting done, it is just so unbearably muggy the fans don't help. Thankfully its a 3 day weekend so house work will commence when the heat goes down. For now I am just that hot sweaty pregnant lady looking for food somewhere.
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