So... things have been good. The time if just flying by. My brain hurts. I have realized over the past week or so that I have been experiencing anxiety and when I got to thinking about this new feeling I realized that I have been obsessing. And then obvi I looked it up because I have been doing things or rather hesitating and obsessing things, that I have never done before. And bam, Postpartum OCD and Anxiety. The first link had 5 symptoms that I agreed with which is crazy. It seems to be getting worse and thats why I think I am noticing it more. I have also been obsessing about things more and staying awake when I know it's time for bed. Its weird to see something change right before your eyes. At least its so clear to me. I go back to the doctor in a few weeks so I will be sure to let her know that something is up.
I do have to say the OCD has come with some positives, the house is clean, my dinner menus are created, I have a nice to-do list, I have thrown so much crap out, and I want to do more. There are times at the end of the day I wish I could just turn it off but I am going to talk to the doctor about it.
This weekend is my birthday, its weird it does not really feel like its here, partly because I have been focusing on everything else. But its coming. I still am in disbelief that another year has gone by, last year we went to Bonefish for my birthday, I had a glass of wine and a week later I found out we were pregnant. So strange.
Addie is turning into a littler person, I am fairly good at picking up her cues and she has a cycle thats somewhat easy to follow. Wake, eat, play, cry, sleep. At least when I am home Tuesday and Thursdays that how the day goes. The weekends are a completely different story because we are running around. Legit running, this past weekend was insane. Saturday we went to our WW meeting, Hubs helped a friend move, came home showered got ready for the banquet that evening, picked up the furniture from Pier1, hit up Justice to buy a gift for the birthday party, went to Jaimes for Olivias birthday party for an hour, drove to Henrietta and was at the banquet place by 5. We did stop to get some sodas and a 5 hour energy in there. Even without a baby thats a pretty hectic schedule, so add a baby and lack of sleep, Addie knew we had a busy day so she was up most of the night. Its no wonder I obsess! Ha. I shouldn't joke about that.
The weather has been so nice that I started to clean out the sun room too, I can't wait to use that space for the babys stuff. For such a little person she has a ton of stuff!
As for the events coming up in the next few weeks, the baptism is almost all done. I have the menu, some decorations, the favors, I just need to make sure I have a dress for her, buy Dan a new tie and make sure my house is spotless that day. Nice weather would also be a plus.
The weekend after that party is Cinco De Mayo again!!! I love this party, I love that its now our third year doing it. I have to come up with a great card again too. I am hoping to get that out next week.
As for now I am going to clean and work and clean some more.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Busy Bees
Whew.. if the time change didn't mess with it enough we have just been so super busy its insane. This weekend was packed. My sister in law is up from Florida so we spent some time with her, took a trip to Home Depot to look at tile for the backsplash, hit up our weight watchers meeting, dropped the car off to be serviced, Owens baptism and family party, target, pier1 and hobby lobby were all mixed in there too. Seriously if I were a toddler I would have napped by now but there are no naps for this here mama. I laid down for a minute right before getting myself and the baby ready for the baptism but really that was the majority of sleep time. Both nights were late midnight or later and of course I had to prep for the week.
That prepping still led to a really hectic morning, the lunches weren't made, I was out the door so late and when I got to the sitter I realized it was Monday and I forgot the check. UGH. Seriously, whats the deal. I need to get my head out of my ass. I can't really blame it on the lack of sleep, I mean I have not slept a full night since October or earlier.
Tonight I have to get some laundry done and straighten per usual. At least I know exactly what we are having for dinner this week and my fridge is stocked with goodness. I have been pretty proud of myself about this, I am trying to start off right with healthy eating habits and or course I am trying to loose the baby weight but first and foremost I want to do it the right way; eating delicious healthy meals and moving my butt! It can be depressing to look in the mirror or try on some clothes. At this point I can get over the marks, they are loosing color but its the pouch, it still looks like there could be a baby in there. Everyone keeps reminding me that it took 9 months to get that way its not going to come off quickly and that my little babe was 9 lbs 14 ounces. So I was stretched to the max. And this morning the hubs came into our bedroom after his shower and was commenting on how the drain was being really slow. I knew exactly where this was going. My hair has been coming out in clumps, its all over. Just another joy of having the baby on the outside. r.a.w.r
Our new couches are coming Thursday which is fantastic and with the nice weather it really is motivating me to get going. I want to clean the house and get outside. My battery operated vacuum is broke WAHHHH so I have to either use the broom... gasp or the monster vac. I think I used it too much and broke it that way. I mean seriously I vacuum my floors almost daily. Wood floors with animals always leaves the tumbleweeds floating around and they gross me out. So I need to figure out what's going on in that department.
Other than that I have just been purging my house, I don't want stuff. Get it out. Yuck. Clutter. It makes my head hurt. I love having things in a place and I am determined to de-clutter my whole house. One main problem I have to solve is the shoe situation, we don't have a mud room (this is a MUST for the next house) so you walk in the door and the shoes are every where. Maybe pintrest will help with this one.
I have our budget almost as complete and our weekly meal lists too. It feels good. Spring is coming and I want to spend it enjoying every minute with my munchkin, not cleaning.
And did you see the videos here. CUTENESS.
Addie is 13 weeks old. Whoa.
That prepping still led to a really hectic morning, the lunches weren't made, I was out the door so late and when I got to the sitter I realized it was Monday and I forgot the check. UGH. Seriously, whats the deal. I need to get my head out of my ass. I can't really blame it on the lack of sleep, I mean I have not slept a full night since October or earlier.
Tonight I have to get some laundry done and straighten per usual. At least I know exactly what we are having for dinner this week and my fridge is stocked with goodness. I have been pretty proud of myself about this, I am trying to start off right with healthy eating habits and or course I am trying to loose the baby weight but first and foremost I want to do it the right way; eating delicious healthy meals and moving my butt! It can be depressing to look in the mirror or try on some clothes. At this point I can get over the marks, they are loosing color but its the pouch, it still looks like there could be a baby in there. Everyone keeps reminding me that it took 9 months to get that way its not going to come off quickly and that my little babe was 9 lbs 14 ounces. So I was stretched to the max. And this morning the hubs came into our bedroom after his shower and was commenting on how the drain was being really slow. I knew exactly where this was going. My hair has been coming out in clumps, its all over. Just another joy of having the baby on the outside. r.a.w.r
Our new couches are coming Thursday which is fantastic and with the nice weather it really is motivating me to get going. I want to clean the house and get outside. My battery operated vacuum is broke WAHHHH so I have to either use the broom... gasp or the monster vac. I think I used it too much and broke it that way. I mean seriously I vacuum my floors almost daily. Wood floors with animals always leaves the tumbleweeds floating around and they gross me out. So I need to figure out what's going on in that department.
Other than that I have just been purging my house, I don't want stuff. Get it out. Yuck. Clutter. It makes my head hurt. I love having things in a place and I am determined to de-clutter my whole house. One main problem I have to solve is the shoe situation, we don't have a mud room (this is a MUST for the next house) so you walk in the door and the shoes are every where. Maybe pintrest will help with this one.
I have our budget almost as complete and our weekly meal lists too. It feels good. Spring is coming and I want to spend it enjoying every minute with my munchkin, not cleaning.
And did you see the videos here. CUTENESS.
Addie is 13 weeks old. Whoa.
Videos -3 month fun
At least the 3am feeding can result in sharing the cuteness. I have a post in drafts from yesterday - not going to finish that now. She just had 4 ounces, both sides and is back in her crib.
I am going back to bed.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Stellas got her groove back...
Oh blog... I have been thinking of you but this super mom just has not had time for you. Between the fact that I sit at a computer all day, cooking dinner and laundry I just have had no time for you.
But I want to write on here so I am trying to type as fast as my little fingers will allow. Also bearing that my writs doesn't start getting all painful like and shooting pains up my arm. But I digress.
My little muffin is going to be three months old tomorrow. She is turning into such a wonderful little person. She is so smiley and just on the brink of giggling. She has a cold now, and the poor thing has a nasty cough. I have been researching homeopathic fixes. This is the second time she has been a snotty mess - pretty sure this will not be her last, thank you daycare!
Things at home have been really great too, I talked to my grandma for almost an hour last night. I just needed to call her to tell her how much I love her and how thankful I am that she gets to meet my daughter. I am also really glad that Daniel has been in my life enough and has felt enough of my grandmothers love. It saddens me that I never really got to know his grandma, and that she won't know Addison. For that I am really thankful that my grandma will be at my home in a little over a month holding her great grandchild.
This past weekend was amazing too, lots to be thankful for these days. Hubs company had their annual ski night so I went with the babe to just have a nice night out. And it was fantastic! The conditions outside were not so great if you were actually trying to ski or snowboard but I was not. I was trying to get as much cuddle time in as I could with my babe. Being it was not the greatest night to ski the lodge was close to empty and there just so happen to be a jazz/pop band playing. They were WONDERFUL! Now for those that know me, they know about my boyfriend Elvis. I am so in love with him and his music, I love the old time music... a lot. And these guys were really great, there was a little old and a little new. The lead singers voice was so smooth and the instruments were so refreshing to listen to. They actually are recording their first album in a week and I want to buy it! This is the band. Check em out.
My little lady also had a great week, the fed-ex guy stopped at our house a bunch within the last week. She got new cloth diapers, a few toys for her highchair, a place for me to store the diapers and a pail liner. WOO. I am feeling so super motivated I love it.
I also made a pillow to go in her room from the fabric that I covered the stool in, it was my first sewing machine project!! Go ME! Next I have plans to make some valances for the stair windows, its time to dress it up a bit. Hubs also finished my mail holder, LOVE. It feels so good to be organized. Really it does. My fridge has a little self-made calendar with all the meals for the week and I am starting running again tomorrow with Marisa!!!! WOO.
I have taken the reins at work and just started to get things together and I feel really good about it overall. The working from home two days a week is nice too, I get to watch her grow and still do what I really like to do. So all is good. I still have to finish her birth story, I just have to wait for hubs to help because I was so groggy, I can't remember everything.
I am excited the weather is getting nicer, I am excited I have stayed on plan all this week. Not so excited my milk seems to have gone down, but I am working on it. Excited my little one is so STINKIN cute!
Now these are in no order, and I am rushing to finish this before I go home. I wanted to purge my cell phone of pics - sorry if some are the wrong orientation... just turn your head.
But I want to write on here so I am trying to type as fast as my little fingers will allow. Also bearing that my writs doesn't start getting all painful like and shooting pains up my arm. But I digress.
My little muffin is going to be three months old tomorrow. She is turning into such a wonderful little person. She is so smiley and just on the brink of giggling. She has a cold now, and the poor thing has a nasty cough. I have been researching homeopathic fixes. This is the second time she has been a snotty mess - pretty sure this will not be her last, thank you daycare!
Things at home have been really great too, I talked to my grandma for almost an hour last night. I just needed to call her to tell her how much I love her and how thankful I am that she gets to meet my daughter. I am also really glad that Daniel has been in my life enough and has felt enough of my grandmothers love. It saddens me that I never really got to know his grandma, and that she won't know Addison. For that I am really thankful that my grandma will be at my home in a little over a month holding her great grandchild.
This past weekend was amazing too, lots to be thankful for these days. Hubs company had their annual ski night so I went with the babe to just have a nice night out. And it was fantastic! The conditions outside were not so great if you were actually trying to ski or snowboard but I was not. I was trying to get as much cuddle time in as I could with my babe. Being it was not the greatest night to ski the lodge was close to empty and there just so happen to be a jazz/pop band playing. They were WONDERFUL! Now for those that know me, they know about my boyfriend Elvis. I am so in love with him and his music, I love the old time music... a lot. And these guys were really great, there was a little old and a little new. The lead singers voice was so smooth and the instruments were so refreshing to listen to. They actually are recording their first album in a week and I want to buy it! This is the band. Check em out.
My little lady also had a great week, the fed-ex guy stopped at our house a bunch within the last week. She got new cloth diapers, a few toys for her highchair, a place for me to store the diapers and a pail liner. WOO. I am feeling so super motivated I love it.
I also made a pillow to go in her room from the fabric that I covered the stool in, it was my first sewing machine project!! Go ME! Next I have plans to make some valances for the stair windows, its time to dress it up a bit. Hubs also finished my mail holder, LOVE. It feels so good to be organized. Really it does. My fridge has a little self-made calendar with all the meals for the week and I am starting running again tomorrow with Marisa!!!! WOO.
I have taken the reins at work and just started to get things together and I feel really good about it overall. The working from home two days a week is nice too, I get to watch her grow and still do what I really like to do. So all is good. I still have to finish her birth story, I just have to wait for hubs to help because I was so groggy, I can't remember everything.
I am excited the weather is getting nicer, I am excited I have stayed on plan all this week. Not so excited my milk seems to have gone down, but I am working on it. Excited my little one is so STINKIN cute!
Now these are in no order, and I am rushing to finish this before I go home. I wanted to purge my cell phone of pics - sorry if some are the wrong orientation... just turn your head.
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In her sling. |
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Seriously look at the size of the pepper! |
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Flowers from the best husband on my first day back to work. |
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Gift to myself so she is always with me. |
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Sleeping Beauty |
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Her Valentine to Daddy. |
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Watching Mommy cook |
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Her first valentines from her friends at daycare. |
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Swinging away. |
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To cool. |
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Girls day while daddy was at work. |
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Still so cute. |
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Finally found her fingers/. |
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Getting bigger! |
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Daytime walks on lunch with Mommy. |
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