It is almost time for you to enter the world and for the two of us to become separate people. As you can imagine I have many emotions running through my body thinking about how our lives will be blessed in one short week. We talk a lot about you nowadays. It is not the easiest of concepts for Addie to understand but she surely knows that you are in my belly. My body has grown very much in the last few months, its pretty impossible to not notice, even for your two year old sister.
Your dad and I have been preparing for you by getting the house all ready for about the last month. Up until that point we knew you were coming but it seemed like it was still far enough away and Addie keeps us pretty busy. Your room is ready, sort of. Really the crib is set up and Addison has been moved to another room. I have left most of it the same and will make it yours when we know if you are a girl or boy.
All that we have done since knowing and wanting children has been for you too. The was we love each other allows us to incorporate you and the way we run our family is waiting for you too. Who knows what the future holds for us, there may be other members of our family to come or you may complete us, but know that you have always been with us. You father will amaze you, he has such a kind heart and I fall more in love with him watching him with your sister. Addie is going to be such a good big sister, she can be bossy at times and I am sure you two may disagree but the bond between you two will be everlasting.
Speaking of not knowing your gender, we are so very ready to meet you. Its more than just getting the information at this point of who you are but moreso seeing your beautiful face and meeting you as a person. Having known with Addie we were excited to see her and interested to know just how big she was. You child have been so very kind to your mother thus far. You are a bigger baby but I think we may just make nice healthy babies. This pregnancy has been so easy, granted I had my share of sickness and aches but all in all, I will miss you. As I mentioned before its been so different from Addison. I am cherishing these last moments with you, I love to feel you wake in the mornings. I can tell your asleep because your heavy on one side of my stomach. I can feel your back and give your some rubs to wake you. I also love when I eat and shortly thereafter you start dancing as you have just received some nutrients. Sleep has becoming non-existent but I look forward to having you to care for, over watching reruns of television at 3 a.m. I cannot complain about my size, its just as big as you need it and kiddo I know it could be bigger so thanks for not taking up ALL the room.
Your sister and I have been blessed to have the last two months to really bond and for us to get closer. Really it was more for me as I will have these memories forever. I look forward to her meeting you, my heart will double in size in a matter of seconds. There is a part of me that wants to fast forward the next seven days and another part that wants them to slow down. Its such a struggle, being patient and waiting versus anxiously hoping for another day.
As I lay my head down tonight I will hold my belly a little tighter. I will embrace your kicks and nudges a little more. We have one week until you enter the world and I so very much look forward to that moment. I have loved you before I knew you and will love you until the end of time.
Love Always and Forever,