Geez What a year, I think I have had every emotion in the books. Its a huge step to take to know you want to start a family in the first place, and then have your heart shattered into a million pieces not once but twice. And here we are again with the third positive test in the last 12 months. We are currently 5 weeks and 4 days, we have been here before so its a hold your breath kind of excitement.
The doctor called and I received her message this morning about our test results, our HCG was 1200 progesterone 19 so that's so really good. I burst out in tears after hearing her voice mail. I have just programmed myself to not believe it, and this call was a reassurance that yes I really am again. This is so intense and I don't even have a baby yet.
Funny thing is I spent most of my birthday, two weeks ago today, a complete mess. I dressed up all pretty and was so emotional. Our first baby was due the day after my birthday and that's what I thought about all day, little did I know that the RAGING hormones had already taken over my body. We took a test Monday April 4th and there was a line, of course I did not really believe it, so we waited till Wednesday, took another one and the line was darker. Then we bought a digital test hours later and in about 30 seconds it read "pregnant" Oh boy... or girl.
We go to the doctor May 3rd and at that point we will be able to see our little "jelly bean" as Dan calls it.
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