Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Music, Sweet Sweet Music

So I am sitting here on this ridiculously hot day avoiding studying for my series exam... er starting to study. It's just too hot and my little super star Sophie and I are texting back and forth. Hubs is not home yet and my friend Kristi asked me to help design some things for her son's birthday party. She is a doll, I would do anything for her.

I am working on her project and doing some research on baby materials... those posts to come. I can't give it all away now. The real reason for this post is because I have an on-going request to all those who read this.

When we found out we were pregnant the first time last June, we were over the moon and I created a playlist for my baby. I have not played it since, and here we are again; so over the moon and so thrilled that we have been blessed again. So I play on... it is my favorite playlist, there are songs that make me cry and songs I sing at the top of my lungs. There are the oldies and the hit songs, the slow and the upbeat.

Our baby will be able to hear garbled noise soon and I want to sing and dance as much as I can. I might as well being I am hogging all the baby time :)

So dear friends if you have any songs you think should be added to the play list, I will be sure to give you credit.

Here are some pictures from the lilac fest, you can see the little bump there kinda. It was babies first concert in-utero. We were sweaty hot messes but enjoy.  The lilac fest is one of the best things Rochester has, I love that we have two lilac bushes at our house. The one we planted last year for our wedding anniversary so beautifully bloomed this year. Awww like our love ♥

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