What else do you do at 5am when its pitch black out and you are massively pregnant. Blog. Hm. Yea I guess thats the answer.
Went to the doctor yesterday, she is still measuring about 3 weeks ahead. We don't have a definitive answer as to what that really means just yet but for now she will continue to bake, at least for another week.
Our second baby class was Wednesday night, I am glad that we are going. If for nothing else I think the hubs really got something out of it. We watched a birth video from the beginning to the delivery, so we got to see the home labor part (which is ideally what I would like to do) we saw her laboring in the hospital and then we saw the final stages where she was in mucho amounts of pain but the baby was born. It made me excited and anxious to start the process as I would like to labor in a similar fashion to that woman - if this baby allows it and it was nice for Hubs to see what the partner was doing during this process. I don't really think he thought too much into it and realized he will be an integral part of bringing her into the world. He is my partner and I need him the whole time. He has been getting better at accepting that challenge, I think he can see that physically I am just not capable of as much as before.
The weeks are going by ever so quickly, we have not been home before 9pm all week. I really don't like that at all, I am tired. Work is kicking my butt and I am really uncomfortable. We have just been running errands, picking up the car, dropping this off, meeting with sitters, baby classes, you name it and I feel like we have done it. I am sure this is all prepping me for whats to come but I really just want to take it easy.
I said to the Mr. yesterday that we really need to start preparing for her arrival, his response "I'm not worried". Oh ok great, did I say I was. Uh no. Just saying we need to actually get our shit together and prepare. Are our hospital bags packed - no. Car seats installed - no. Area for baby to sleep in our room - no. Seems like there are more no's than yes's. I have to wash her clothes and what not and my house is a disaster. My nesting instinct gets all used up at work and by 9pm I am dead. Literally on the couch, uncomfortable, but laying there.
By no means do I want to be complaining about this - pain is temporary - and I am making life which is pretty amazing. The days leading up to her getting her are harder to cope with. Making sure things are ready, having work be in the craziest, busiest time of year and just the physical limitations.
This weekend is the friends shower which I am really excited about. It will be great to see everyone that I have partially neglected.
Well its 5:24 I have wasted 24 minutes so thats good.