I am ready. And I hope my body agrees. At least I think it does, or is heading in the right direction. Its 2:30 my back is killing me, my stomach muscles hurt now from puking so much. I am just a hot mess. But I would say even if this is early labor that I am a hot mess of labor. Thats right I am fairly confident that this is what my body is doing to prepare for her exit. Or its a really awful way of reminding me I am pregnant.
My last measurement was 40 weeks so baby is large enough to say she is in the 40 week category. Ideally the doctors would like to wait a few more days until she is 37 weeks due to her lungs, and that might just be what is going on right now. She may make her appearance at 37 weeks right on the nose.
The thing is I cannot imagine being in this stage for the next week. I obviously cannot work due to contractions every few minutes, sitting is uncomfortable and oh yea the puking. Who wants that in an office.
I just took a 30 minute shower and used up all the hot water after puking up green stomach acid... Yea aquamarine green. Especially if I cannot keep food down or in my body this can't last for very long. I should try applesauce or jello and some ice pops don't sound bad right now, my sore throat could use a little coldness.
I am going to try to hop back in bed with the heating pad and sleep a little.
Anytime your ready baby girl, you eviction notice is coming soon. ~ Love your mom.
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