Thursday, December 22, 2011

Two Weeks

                                   Two weeks ago I looked like this...

WOW. They went by very quickly. The first week my mom was here and we had to go to the pediatricians office three times the first week home. The doctors wanted to keep an eye on her weight as she was not gaining as they would have hoped for. Dan has been home this week and we all are just getting used to being a family and enjoying each other.

Christmas does not seem like it is days away, I have purchased nothing for anyone. So family and friends don't take offense to the lack of presents from our family. I also have yet to order the birth announcements. Ya I know slacker! But eh, I will get them done... some time.

I feel good in terms of just having a baby two weeks ago, my incision is still tender and seems to get aggravated easily.  I have been living in muumuus and Dans lounge pants. My maternity pants seem to have a seam right at the incision area and I just don't like anything touching it. Its tender still. Other than that I feel good, I have been sweating like crazy which I didn't expect and the scale has shown a significant decrease since having my almost 10 pound baby.

I am amazed that I am writing this and have actually gotten this much out because it seems like all I do is breastfeed. I know thats good and thats what I am supposed to do, its just hard to sit there. I am not the best at "doing nothing" - and I quote that because of course I am not "doing nothing" but at times it feels like it.

Baby girl gives us some interesting expressions at times, my favorite is when she wakes up from a nap and stretches. She gets TONS of kisses and makes her little baby noises. She also loves to be swaddled and the Swaddle Me has become our best friend. She looks like a little glow worm when she is wrapped up so we affectionately call her our Bug.

Monday of this week she also lost her belly button! I found it when I changed her diaper that morning and had the doctor look at it when we went for a weight check. The doctor said it looked great and we can give her a regular bath. We were so excited about it! She loved it too, except for when I was trying to wash her hair but she loved the warm water and it was such a fun experience.

 After bath time we both took advantage of just loving on her with baby lotion. She got the best little massage and smelled SO DELICIOUS. You can also see her birth mark on her shoulder, I am interested to see what it will look like when she gets older, Dan has one on his ribcage that is brown in color, maybe it will look like that.
 Her feet are the cutest little things and she still wraps her legs and feet up like when she was inside my belly. Its amazing that her little feet are as big as Daddys thumbs.

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