So its been 20 minutes since I started uploading the
pictures from camera. If that gives you any idea as to how many pictures I have
on there. I realized I am about 2 weeks behind. We were on vacation in Atlanta
and before that Lance and Vickis wedding and before that. In total it took
almost 2 hours to complete the upload. HOLY PHOTOS! I have about 7 more albums
to edit and then I can start posting. It would be nice to have my ::cough:: Macbook pro with icloud so I can work on them anywhere but I just have to be
patient. My time will come.
Summer has started and I am SO excited! There are so many
things I want to accomplish and I am making lists and checkin’ things off. Once
I sort out my computer with the pictures and the personal home stuff I have
been putting off. I will be ready to hit the ground running. The home stuff
seems to be running smoothly, I have been focusing on function, style and
I will take some pics of the projects I have been working on, the bathroom is pretty much done and our bedroom is also almost there. I think those are the first two rooms that are more done. I will give my little secrets away too!
Today was a good day, running around like crazy. The typical day it seems. I am hoping to carve out some more time tomorrow to work on the pics. It makes me antsy having that much editing to do!!
I think I need an assistant.
Or to clone myself. Either way an extra set of hands would be awesome!
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