I needed / wanted some wall art to go above the corner desk I just bought and I needed to do it on the cheap! I saw some people used fabric and embroidery hoops. Hobby Lobby has a super awesome selection of really neat fabrics so we made a trip out there Thursday night to pick them up.
Before and After! The hoops look great on the wall, the fabric is all from the same maker so it has similar colors and is just enough.
Friday night we went out to dinner which was really nice and had a great time. We don't go out often with the baby and it was just really nice. That evening we took it easy and just relaxed. Saturday we worked on the house, went on a bike ride and took Addie to the park. LOVE.
I put her in the baby swing and she was giggling, aww makes my heart melt!
She was playing on the slide with Daddy and was in the baby jail bridge.
>>> As I look at my last comments from yesterday I didn't hit my 13k yesterday. The heat is somewhat killer in a house with no air. I walked and walked around the house and picked up by but 8:30 the sweat was dripping everywhere and I just finished for the day.
Ce La Vi.
Today we are just trying to stay cool, the house says its 86 degrees. That's just a tad warm.
But back to the weekend - perfection. We went to Home Depot and was waiting for some paint to be made when Addie was so tired she laid her head on her Daddys chest and his smile went from ear to ear. I started to well up. He just smiled and said he felt his heart melt. Ah love love love. Seriously in Home Depot.
We are heading to VT this weekend and I have not even thought about packing. GAH!
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