Today I am making the Cream of Wild Mushroom Soup, I have the pots out and the ingredients from last week are defrosted and ready to go in. We will head to Wegmans in a bit to pick up some rolls and we will make Turkey Panini's to go with it. Exciting! Addie is napping and I managed to snag another birthday/christmas gift. I only Slash them because I am not sure how I am dividing these gifts out yet, but I am preparing.
And for those who don't know, I have become quite the fire maker so thats on my list of chores in a few too. We straightened downstairs this morning and cleaned Addies room. Currently Daniel is working on a blanket, yes he sews and its awesome. Someday I will get there, but for now thats his arena. Then theres laundry and mean prep still to get done. I may post this and fix later or just write another meal post so I keep myself accountable. But I do have to say the soup is smelling SO good. I am making the stock for it and if the smell is an indication I can't wait.
This week was also Halloween! Addie was SO excited and she was going to dress up as Minnie Mouse. ADORABLE she was! She was excited to dress up, but more excited to get lollipops. While we were putting the finishing touches on our spooky front yard the neighbor told us to come over and be her first trick or treater and she had lollipops. Addie just kept taking them and the woman was so nice and kept giving them to her. Not quite what we needed but it was Halloween. Nonetheless Addie was so excited to see the kids, to get the candy and to be Minnie. She ripped the wrapper off a blue dum dum and went to town! I also fished out the maternity shirt I wore with Addie and was thrilled to be wearing it again.

As Addie is only almost 2 and doesn't care much about candy now I don't have to worry about the whinning and candy coma she may put herself in. But in a few short years I will have to figure something out, I came across the Switch Witch. If you have never heard of it, its the Tooth Fairys Cousin and she comes the night of Halloween to collect candy and leaves a toy in exchange. There is a debate about this but as I am the mom and I make the rules (I spoke with the other adult in the house and we) think this is a great idea! Plus the more candy you get the happy the witch is! So all in all, you are moving your booty to get the goods and not eating pounds of candy.
Now I just need to make sure it really gets out of house, with the exception of a reeces or two, because Mom and Dad don't need it either!
Friday night I went to a fundraiser for my dear friends nephew who passed away due to cancer. He was a sweet little boy and I am so happy that I get to be there to show my support and love for their family. Mama needed a little getaway time so I took a nice long shower and got myself all primped and ready to go. I rocked the bump for the first time this pregnancy. Not that I have been hiding it I just haven't let it all hang out! Being pregnant I feel so pretty and it was nice to get dolled up and strut! Addie has never seen these boots and being a shoe girl herself she loved them so much she tried to get in them with me. Then she tried to get her little kangaroo doll in them too. So funny that one.
This week dinner will be:
Monday: Trader Joes Ravioli - Goat Cheese and Sun Dried Tomatoes for me! And beef bolognase for the man. I am sure Addie will have both.
Tuesday: Tuna Noodle, we didn't have it last week
Wednesday: Sloppy Joes
Thursday: I am debating making the Jennie O turkey I have and making a faux thanksgiving meal. We will see.
Daddy also spoiled his ladies and bought us both some flowers. He knows the way to his ladies hearts! Spoil us rotten Daddy!

So BUSY week per usual. Next week we are watching the Bunce kids and I am pretty sure I have a baby shower.
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