Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sleepy Mama

And its Thursday already... I started this draft on Sunday with some ideas of what to write about and I haven't. I blame my sluggish-ness of my dwindling sleep. I have felt that I am not sleeping as well and with my FitBit my thoughts are confirmed. 4 hours 2 minutes last night. Yikes, and I feel it from the second I 'wake' up.

Yesterday was my 31 week checkup, everything was fine. It was 15 minutes in and out, babys heartbeat was good. We talked about me passing the glucose test and how she wants me to spot check with my meter every now and again. She also said she would be giving the OR scheduler my number so we can schedule the C-section. Crazy that we are that close! Pretty much 60 days or less, wow! It feels surreal, I know the baby is coming we have been talking about it for so long but our house is going to be different in just two short months.

Baby is sitting so low this time around my pelvis is sore all the time. My chiropractor has been great but I think this is just the issue I will have to deal with until the end but this pregnancy has been SO EASY thus far. I don't believe I will be having to deal with baby feet in my ribs this time but I have to deal with baby head in between my pelvic bone.

I am gearing up for a pantry restock this weekend so I have been compiling recipes and getting ready. I am planning on Sunday being a full cooking day. With a possible nap break in between.

Short and sweet... so tired.

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