year in retrospect
I think this year has taught me a lot, more than I could have ever imagined. There have been situations that were quite literally life changing. I was putting together our Christmas cards and wrote a synapses of the year. I used up almost the whole space. It is overwhelming. It is that feeling you have right when the rollercoaster peaks and your about to roll forward. This feeling has shown up more times this year than probably ever before. Addie turns three in one week. I have a three year old little girl. She is absolutely amazing. The rate in which she learns and the funny things she says. The way that I can see her do what I have taught her, it is a wondrous thing. She comments on the beautiful days and sings the ABCs to her brother when he cries.
When thinking about the year I just get this feeling of being blessed. That is the best word to use as it describes so many things. Our home is new and beautiful because of the hard work we do and the choices we have made. In those two aspects of life I am so pleased to have gotten to this point. I have learned to be humble and remember that I have to have today as I am not promised tomorrow. The latter of the two has been a concept that was harshly brought into my life years ago, it is something I have held close to my heart since then. Bringing life into the world of my own flesh and blood has made this a part of my everyday life. I am teaching my children to cheer for one another, to love deeply and be so thankful for everything. I am exceptionally proud of that.
This year has also solidified my marriage in a way I could have never known. We are stronger, we are a constant work in progress together, growing in the same direction. Our relationship has attributed to the humility. I am so fortunate to have a life partner who respects me as much as I him. A majority of my adult relationships were tried this year. I feel like adding a baby gives you a slight pass to be absent but with that addition came one thousand miles. One valuable nugget of information has been that things work out as they should. The people who come into your life, there is a lesson to be learned, a reason behind it all. At times it may not be for you but rather for you to pass the lesson to them. If you make good choices you will lead your life down a road that leads to other good things.
The most magnificent piece of it all has been my faith. My ability to trust and believe. Let me tell you it is not easy. It is a challenge, not a struggle but a challenge . I look back and all the signs that pointed in one direction, in the gut feelings, the things that went my way and didn't. Most days I am in the happiest place of my life. There are many days that my faith is challenged, it is then that I look for my pillars of support. My friends, family, children - the things that make me most happy.
As we enter the final month of 2014, I reflect at how different my life is from a year ago. I am thankful for it all. The peaks and valleys, the highlights and dark moments.
My hope for 2015 is to continue to work on faith, believing in myself and my family, trusting that everything works as it should and bringing the best of myself everyday. It may not be the best in all things but the best in something.
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