Margaritas!! Well virgin ones for me :)
It has definitely started to really sink in that in a few short months we will be adding to our family. We are just so beyond excited. I have become accustomed to the sluggishness and pure exhaustion. I am thankful for each day that goes by, work is good, its busy but it makes the days go quickly. I would love for the sun to shine soon though. The Rochester weather is pretty awful, its the main reason I would leave here. I love the Sun and Rochester has something against it.
I am however waiting for the fear to subside a little, I remember when we first got Stella and for the first month or two I always got nervous when she slept too long or was walking funny. Our dog growing up died of seizures and I remember her movements that would mean a seizure was coming and how she acted afterwards. Stella would be so little and sleeping, she would twitch and I would have a fit. I even made Dan wake her up one time to make sure she was lucid. I feel like these next few weeks will be the same thing. Not that I am expecting to see anything bad it has just happened twice before and I know it comes without notice so I subconsciously think the worst whenever I feel anything.
We are headed to NJ tomorrow for Morgans Communion. So crazy, I was talking with Dan last night if he remembered his own. It feels like it was just me and like she was just born. Time goes by so quickly.
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