Well Hello Week 9, glad to finally meet you, you seem to have been avoiding me but I am glad we can put aside our issues.
YES!!! We made it to week 9, now that is an accomplishment. So far things have been good with the pregnancy, I have experienced a few of the hormonal changes already which I am sure the Husband just adores. Well you all know that I have to morning sickness bug, thank you very much mother nature for making that a symptom. The car ride back from NJ was no easy feat, I literally was doubled over at times and could feel the contents of my stomach rising with each construction road bump. Needless to say, I was a rock star and made it all the way home before fertilizing the lawn with Farfalle and Shrimp. The stomach issues are by far the worst, its either nausea or vomiting ALL DAY LONG. Because of this I don't eat or I feel like a bird picking at things just to try to find something I can eat. I have a 12 pack of Ginger Ale and saltines on my desk. I am hoping that we have another 4 weeks and then this will all go away. Poor Daniel had to deal with me in the car for 5 hours yesterday, while I was trying to focus on keeping my lunch down. I didn't talk the whole way. I hope to not take another car trip until I am safely in the second trimester.
I also have a very short fuse at times. Oh me! Never! I am such a lady. Haha. Oh dear, I just get so annoyed I freak out. You don't believe me, I have a few examples. 1. Erin my dear 15 year old sister who is a doll, kept looking at my dog in NJ and talking about eating and how she might be hungry. Earlier in the day we told her Stella eats twice a day and she knows what you are talking about when you say "eat", an hour later she starts at it again and I just looked at her and was super snippy telling her to knock it off. Really its not a huge deal but it just bugs me. Dan's conclusion is I don't like when people harp on things, I get bothered easy.
I now also understand why they burned their bras in the 70's, they are so un-fun to wear when your girls are throbbing. I found these stretchy tube top bra things that are amazing. Comfy and not too much, just right!
The total exhaustion is still there. I told Dan earlier that I need to take it easy, the past two weekends were packed and I don't have enough energy to get thru the day. I look forward to 6pm when its me and the couch.
I am not sure where the headaches are coming from but I don't normally get them and they are lingering. It may be the lack of food or the exhaustion or the vomiting, who knows but they are there.
Other than that, I feel like I am baking a baby. Our little Christmas baby :) I wonder if this is how the Virgin Mary felt right now? She might have been an exception to all the symptoms, she was pretty special.
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