I thought I would be all green and save the fuel we don't have in our gas tanks to walk there. No biggie, we walk all the time to Wegmans and the plaza across the street. The doctors is the next building down. While walking I pass Dunkin Donuts. Now I lived off of Raspberry Iced Coffees when we were working on our house, because we would come to the house before work and after work. I was taking classes to pass my Life Accident and Health state test (which I did on the first try, thank you very much) and I needed the extra boost. I really began to enjoy those little drinks from the DD gods and as I walked past today I really wanted one. I could envision myself holding the cold cup and sipping out of the tiny straw the yumminess.
Seriously! Even looking at the picture makes me want one.
Thoughts of sugarplums were all this preggo is getting. I know I should not OD on caffeine so I marched right past it. BOO.
It seems my list of items I want brought to me after baby girl gets here is growing: first it was sushi, YUM YUM YUM, then wine, now iced coffee. I really don't think I will want Iced coffee in December but eh... add it to the list.
Today we are going to a Baby-Q haha, a baby shower BBQ in one. The couple is about 4 weeks ahead of me, how bananas. Seriously.
I need time to S.L.O.W. down a bit, let me catch my breath and get going. I took it easier on Friday at work because I think I am pushing myself a little too hard. By the time I get home I just don't have the energy to do much. We have three new people since June and although I am not the "trainer" I am. No one else does it. But I have to keep myself first right now which is the first time since uhh ever, every job I work so hard and long hours but I guess its more important for me and baby to enjoy these last few weeks together.
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