Last night, I ate so much Chinese food I thought I was going to burst but Hubs was golfing and doesn't like Chinese as much so I took full advantage of the night by myself. Anywho... baby started moving like crazy, a couple times she got me good and it hurt but a few times it was on my right side and it moved my arm. So of course I called him over for nothing. Boo. Then she did it again when he was not ready, of course! Finally I just told him to keep his hand there and a few minutes later - we whipped our heads around to look at each other because SHE KICKED! She gave him a nice strong kick to the hand and his face lit up. He asked if that was her and I nodded.
I almost started crying I was so happy he finally got to feel her.
Finally. YEA! I am still so excited about it, we went to bed all giddy. It was the sweetest thing.
Awh reading this makes me miss feeling the little baby movements in there, when they roll around it feels like a water bed lol then she got too big and it turned into the oh-so-fun shoving the feet between your ribs and kicking your bladder so you pee hahaha <3 you're making me want another one now, not sure hubs would appreciate that right now lol :)