Friday, July 29, 2011

Halfway There!

I apologize that the blog has been neglected for the past few weeks but I was in Ireland! I feel that this is a completely acceptable reason for not posting. The trip was amazing, Ireland is beautiful and we were very lucky to be given this trip and be able to see all of the amazing things we saw.

Just a sampling, I have to upload them all to our shutterfly page, will post about that when it happens. 

We celebrated a milestone in Dublin this past Sunday, 20 weeks! That is our halfway point. It still sometimes feels so surreal that we are here, let alone halfway to meeting our bambino. I can feel the baby move more, its a slight movement and its mostly when baby is moving side to side but I love it. I can't wait for hubs to feel the baby, its only a matter of time at this point. I can feel it when I know baby is moving on the inside so we just have to be patient. 

We have our 20 week anatomy scan a week from today! Woo. I am so excited to see our baby again. Its been too long!

Now on to the good stuff, the crazy things that are happening to me... 

Pregnancy Symptoms: 

Skin: My face is clear as can be, I love it. My tummy is definitely getting bigger, my belly button is stretching like never before. The skin on my belly is tight and itchy, I lather all the time.

Back Issues: My back is still out of whack, the chiropractor has been helping a bunch. Other than that its been a pretty smooth ride so far.

Eating:  I have no problem eating which is great. I have been really good, I am drinking lots of water and have had no crazy weight gain so all is well. I am still obsessed with pepperoni, I craved it in Ireland and just bought some last night. We will see how long the bag will last, a good little experiment.

Cramps/Pain: Round ligament pain is my BFF. For real, I can get away from it. I have learned to cope, a little slow breathing, fetal position and just try to relax. It's quite painful at times but the pain tells me that baby needs more room and I like to know that baby is growing.

Sleeping: Ahh Body pillow! How did I live without you, it is really doing a great job at two things 1. Keeping my hips and back all in line and 2. keeping Hubs on his side of the bed. Its fantastic. I missed it in Ireland. I may use it even after the baby is born, its so comfy. I am sure to RAVE about it later on as well.

Mentally: I had a few weeks where I freaked and I think it also had to do with the fact that we were leaving for so long, but the time away from it all was really nice. I think I got to clear my head a little bit. As I look at the calendar we are so busy, work for both of us is insane and there is a lot to do before baby gets here.

Baby Kicks and Moves: Aw I love it. I love it. I love it. More and more I can feel baby swimming around, Hubs has yet to feel it, but I know its coming. Just a few more weeks I am sure.

Nose Issues: Its stuffy a lot, vicks has been my new best friend. I feel very dry lately and I am sure it has something to do with the plane and change in temperature we just experienced. I am not too worried, I have had a few bloody nose episodes but they cleared up before it got too bad.

Overall I love it, there are no complaints. I can't wait to meet baby. Love.

It's 135 days, 17 hours, 57 minutes, 53 seconds
until Monday, December 12, 2011 (Rochester time) EEK!

So much to do. I CANT WAIT! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oh the little heartbeat....

It totally made my day today. For real, I told the doctor about my feelings and my crazy dream. It just shocked me and scared me bad. I even woke Hubs up to tell him, I felt like a little kid. Boo. It was bad.

BUT it was just a dream and Dr. says I am growing well, no weight gain since last time and the heartbeat was great. She let me listen for a little while longer which was nice. Then I was also told that I have to have a cervix check from now till the end of the pregnancy. Lame. But hey you make sure things are going as planned down there, I want to be sure there are no babies falling out anytime before they are supposed to. She said it was just where it needs to be. Perfect.

So overall it was a great visit, our next visit is August 4th and its an ULTRASOUND!! We will get to see baby again. Ahh love...

We leave for Ireland in a week tomorrow. Are we packed and ready. Uh no. Excited. Yes! I can't wait to post the pictures of the Irish countryside for all to drool over :)

Check Up

Today is our 17 week check up and I had the most horrific dream last night. I dreamt that we miscarried again. It was awful, all of those feelings came back, it was so graphic. My subconscious is still scared.

I haven't really thought about it in a while. I am hoping that the doctors apt this morning will just put me at ease again. Things seem like they are progressing well, its just the unknown.

Great way to start the day.

Monday, July 4, 2011

17 Weeks

Happy 4th of July!! The summer is going very quickly so far, like usual I guess. Things have been crazy here. Work has been really busy and we are getting ready for our big trip in a week and a half.

We started working on the changing table yesterday, we got new boards cut and I have to start working on sanding it a little and re-staining it to freshen it up. Then it will be good as new!

This weekend was jam packed we made a trip to Montreal Friday and got to celebrate Canada day with the Canadians, we also got lucky enough to walk thru the International Jazz fest. That was pretty cool, Montreal is very pretty, the one big downfall is neither of us speak french and everyone there does. But we made it back in one piece and we only took a few wrong turns.
Dans pitcher of beer he drank all by himself and poutine. Yum. 

One of the many stages and tons of people. 

These girls were so funny, on stilts and playing music. All in french of course. 

The street our hotel was on and if you can notice the two people sitting near the van. Yea that was not too far from the hotel doors and they were just enjoying being strung out and smoking weed. 

Yesterday we went to the street dance which was really fun, its a great arts fest and concert in the streets a few blocks down. Today there is a parade I may or may not go to, Hubs is at work so it would just be me. We are also hitting up my SILs pool today. YES!!! Its hot and normally I don't get bothered but I feel big and sweaty so a pool will be amazing. I even contemplated getting a kiddy pool for our back yard haha.
Justin dancing his butt off! 

Well I am super pumped about the next few weeks, a short week this week and a check up on Thursday. And then another short week next week because we leave for Ireland. Woo. Its ok to be jealous, I would be too.

Crazy Pregnancy Symptoms:

Vicks vapor rub is by far my best friend right now, I can never seem to breath at night. I read its a symptom but how annoying. The last few nights I have slept better, our bed is much more comfortable than the one in Canada was.

I am still sleepy a whole lot, I don't know if it has anything to do with the food I eat or don't eat. Who knows, but baby is growing I am sure of that and when I am hungry I eat.

My new favorite food is shaved ice, I seriously could eat it every day. I like that is cold primarily and it takes forever to eat which is also a plus.
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