Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vacation Day- At home with the Curry and Cook Kids

On our Atlanta vacation we were fortunate enough to spend lots of quality time with the kiddos. One of the days we were home and made cookies and had tons of fun. 

Ms. Kayla gave me some great smiles and I we were able to really have some fun. I think she loves being in front of the camera! 

I may have staged the kiss but look at how sweet Jakob is looking so intently. 

And I eventually got some pretty awesome smiles from him too, I gave him tons of smooches! 

Aunt Kristen and Sean and Peyton were there too, we even made christmas cookies!

I may have chosen to work on the album with the least amount of pictures today. At least more are getting done right.

I am anxious to show the Aquarium pictures - there are just a gazillion of them. They will get posted soon - I hope. Along with the other 6 days of fun!

Time for me... Say What!?

I received this via Baby Center:

Your life: Taking time for yourself

For most new moms, 
the last priority on the list is the item called "me." Baby care, holding down a job, and running a household all tend to come first. But making yourself a priority is important because if you don't, running the rest of your life is all the more difficult. It's like trying to operate a car without gas.

Schedule in one activity on a regular basis that's just for you — an exercise class or lunch with a friend, for example. 
Then learn to make the most of any break you get by making a list of any "me" activities you miss (reading, knitting, Web surfing) and fitting them in here and there.


Seriously! Its like they know what I am thinking! 

The funniest part is that I have a hair appointment scheduled for tomorrow. Woo. I have not had my hair cut since October maybe. Yea it needs it. I think its all done falling out like mad, now it just needs a fresh cut. I also need to make an appointment for the dermatologist and an eye exam. 

A show I fell in love with on maternity leave The Revolution has some great tips and tricks. Unfortunately this show is being canceled BOO! HISS! There is no show out there like this and I think if it had a different time slot it may have reached more people. Anywho... I have used this to get myself motivated and  start my revolution. 

I believe a certain someone entering my life also motivated me to get it all in gear. As I have mentioned I am on Weight Watchers and its going, I am not going to beat myself up about the fact that I have just been going up and then down but its been a big adjustment. I look back at the last 6 months, breast-feeding, recovery, anxiety medicine, birth control, so many hormonal changes that I can't fault my body for taking time to adjust and not shed the weight as quickly as I would like. 

At least now I am getting into my routines, meal planning, chores and finances. I will share my schedules when I have them all finished. 

For now I have been getting my Google Chrome all set up. Seriously if you love techy stuff try this out. Its great! I like the widgets or apps that are on the homepage and it saves the bookmarks from my home computer and my work computer. So convenient. Seriously go look. 

I am also hoping to have the next installment of pictures up tonight or tomorrow. Most likely tomorrow. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I think I need an assistant.

So its been 20 minutes since I started uploading the pictures from camera. If that gives you any idea as to how many pictures I have on there. I realized I am about 2 weeks behind. We were on vacation in Atlanta and before that Lance and Vickis wedding and before that. In total it took almost 2 hours to complete the upload. HOLY PHOTOS! I have about 7 more albums to edit and then I can start posting. It would be nice to have my ::cough:: Macbook pro with icloud so I can work on them anywhere but I just have to be patient. My time will come. 

Summer has started and I am SO excited! There are so many things I want to accomplish and I am making lists and checkin’ things off. Once I sort out my computer with the pictures and the personal home stuff I have been putting off. I will be ready to hit the ground running. The home stuff seems to be running smoothly, I have been focusing on function, style and organization. 

 I will take some pics of the projects I have been working on, the bathroom is pretty much done and our bedroom is also almost there. I think those are the first two rooms that are more done. I will give my little secrets away too! 

Today was a good day, running around like crazy. The typical day it seems. I am hoping to carve out some more time tomorrow to work on the pics. It makes me antsy having that much editing to do!!

I think I need an assistant.

Or to clone myself. Either way an extra set of hands would be awesome!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Too many thoughts up here..

Hello world! I have completely fallen off the face of the earth but it was well needed. We traveled to Atlanta to visit Teresa, Dwayne and their kiddos. Hubs had to work a few days and then we got to see a bit of Hot-Lanta! I have tons of pictures butttt our room has air conditioning and the computer is in the office with no air conditioning. Sooo that means I have not been working on the pictures so I can't show them yet. Honestly I haven't even uploaded my camera yet, I guess it really not that bad we just flew back in Tuesday and its only Thursday.

I am hoping to have them up by Monday, really I am hoping. I have a lot of back-logged blog posts and pictures to show. I even finished the collages of the most wonderful day in my life - Her birthday!

One of the positives of being cool and confined is that I have cleaned our bedroom like crazy. I am organizing like mad too. I will post pics of the stuff I have done - most likely at the same time I upload the others.

I have tons of fun things I want to chat about - parties and crafts are coming up, more organizing!, menu planning. All the stuff I have been working on. i.want.to.share.it

I get a motivational quote of the day and a positive quote of the day emails. Yes, I love them.
This one & This one

These were too good to not share:

The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you finish the work.

-- Pat Clifford

"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful."
Eric Thomas 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

ZOO-Lanta Father's Day

The zoo is one thing that I have really come to love, I am not a super de-duper animal lover but there is just somthing about the animals I can't take home that is just so cool. The first stop was a few animals in one, zebras, giraffes and ostriches. I didn't realize how horse-like the zebras were. One was stomping and huffing a bunch. The giraffes were cute too, the dark was the male, the light were females and there were two babies. The Mr. Giraffe got a little excited and started leaking per se and all the kids were asking what was going on. We just kept saying it was peeing, but wow never saw a giraffe in heat. Interesting. 

We saw an adorable papa lion, I just wanted to cuddle with him! The lion at our zoo is still a baby so his mane looks nothing like this but it will someday!

Addie loved it, she was decked out in her animal print and was getting tons of attention, per usual!

GAH! These were my favorite! I could have watches the apes for hours! They were just so interesting, there was the big daddy one strutting his stuff and posing for everyone.

 And then there was the rest of the crew, the babies and the mamas. AWW SO STINKIN CUTE!

We also found some lost birdies - they were so cute we decided to take them home with us! 

 There was a whole building of reptiles, not really my cup of tea but Hubs loved it, these were his photo skills at work.

 I can't recall what this guys name was but it was a red panda I think, I wanted to smooch him.

 Ok ok, now being a mama bear myself I thought this was the sweetest thing. The mama panda was nursing her baby and he was all cuddled up in her. Aw Panda love. The other little baby was out and running around but I was just so in love with this moment I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Everything about this is perfect, and it was a reminder of how we are all animals taking care of our young.

This special day was also Daniel O's FIRST FATHERS DAY! He was so adorable in the days leading up to it, he would just ever so calmly mention that it was fathers day coming up and I knew he was beaming on the inside. He got into the zoo for free that day and as much as he loves animals this was a perfect trip for him. He took Addie into the petting zoo and let her rub the goats with her feet. Ha. Hilarious.

Happy First Fathers day to the best Daddy a girl could ask for. 

As his Fathers Day gift I gave him what he really wanted.... 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Atlanta History Center

I never posted about the Atlanta History Center we went to - very nice museum kind of place. We got to see a dress rehearsal for a play that they had and the moral was all about finding who you are. It was really sweet and the actor did a great job. 

The other really sweet part about this place was that it was known as one of the most photographed areas. SWEET. We took full advantage. 
Enough blabber... Enjoy. 

Cousins - minus Jakob. 

Interesting because I post these almost a month later - oh well - and she looks totally different and those clothes just barely fit anymore. 

AHH Beautiful! 

Thats my happy girl!

 "Eww Spider"

Special thanks to my sister in law and family for letting us take over their lives for a week. I learned one thing, don't mark up the floors!!! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Natural History Museum - Atlanta

One of the City Pass stops was the Fernbank Museum of Natural History. I have been to my fair share of Natural History museums and this was a very nice one. The large skeleton in the foyer was just amazing. I said so many times how it was hard for me to wrap my mind around the size. It just is another reminder of how small we are. 

Then I found these dinosaurs around, SO SCARY! 

Just wow, so surreal! The murals they had were done very well. 

Eww, it was some massive sloth thing. 

The last stop was an exhibit about poop. Yep all types of poop. We browsed fairly quickly and then headed to the Polar Bear Imax movie. It was narrated by Glen Close and was a sweet movie about a mama bear and her cubs. To The Arctic - Trailer Addie liked it but was getting sleepy so we walked and she napped for half the movie in the Ergo. Seriously all you who are having babies, get one. Its awesome.

Just some quality time learning about crazy cool stuff! 

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