Sunday, August 21, 2011

Addisons Room

Addisons Room

So I have been going over what I want to do for babys room and I thought I would start with putting my current ideas together and see where that gets me.

The room color is a Green Tea (block of color) we arent changing it because we just painted and we picked a color neutral enough for either gender.

From there I have been looking for a rug, nothing too kid-ish, something we can all grow with but that has a little flare to it. I found this one on Overstock, I have come to the conclusion that I will sell the trundle bed to buy the rug. Fair.

I am also planning on lots of frames, the Shabby Chic kind - white, ornate and I will throw some silver ones in there too.

Now we already have a crib and changing table - thank you M&D - so we did not need to worry about those and they are an oak color which is the same as the floor. Perfect. The one big item we are going to purchase (and have added to our registry *Wink *Wink) is the chair, I really want to splurge and get a really nice one. This one is a recliner, glider and swivel chair. Perfect. I like the style of the bigger picture but the color of the smaller one.

For the crib bedding we are going to have a hand made quilt - thank you Papa - (some fabric possibilities are at the bottom) and going to go with a light pink bumper. I am not going to have the skirt as I would like to use the storage space underneath and with all the animals, I am sure that would become the secret hiding ground for dust bunnies.

The last thing I have to figure out are the windows, I am thinking I will have the cord free blinds that we got for our bedroom, they let nice light in and no cords! I think I will also have some sort of drape or valance. Not sure which one yet but we are getting there. 

Well thats all for tonight folks. I will post the 24 (WAHOO) week picture tomorrow... hopefully. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

DD Iced Coffee

This morning I had a chiropractors appointment. I am more in love with them now during the pregnancy then before. They make my world feel so much better. For real if you have never tried it, you probably would benefit. And for those of you doubting if I can do this during pregnancy, this links for you: Its A Ok During Pregnancy. They have a special pillow for my belly to rest in and the no longer push on me while laying on my stomach. So YEA, I feel so good.

I thought I would be all green and save the fuel we don't have in our gas tanks to walk there. No biggie, we walk all the time to Wegmans and the plaza across the street. The doctors is the next building down. While walking I pass Dunkin Donuts. Now I lived off of Raspberry Iced Coffees when we were working on our house, because we would come to the house before work and after work. I was taking classes to pass my Life Accident and Health state test (which I did on the first try, thank you very much) and I needed the extra boost. I really began to enjoy those little drinks from the DD gods and as I walked past today I really wanted one. I could envision myself holding the cold cup and sipping out of the tiny straw the yumminess.

Seriously! Even looking at the picture makes me want one. 

Thoughts of sugarplums were all this preggo is getting. I know I should not OD on caffeine so I marched right past it. BOO.

It seems my list of items I want brought to me after baby girl gets here is growing: first it was sushi, YUM YUM YUM, then wine, now iced coffee. I really don't think I will want Iced coffee in December but eh... add it to the list.

Today we are going to a Baby-Q haha, a baby shower BBQ in one. The couple is about 4 weeks ahead of me, how bananas. Seriously.

I need time to S.L.O.W. down a bit, let me catch my breath and get going. I took it easier on Friday at work because I think I am pushing myself a little too hard. By the time I get home I just don't have the energy to do much. We have three new people since June and although I am not the "trainer" I am. No one else does it. But I have to keep myself first right now which is the first time since uhh ever, every job I work so hard and long hours but I guess its more important for me and baby to enjoy these last few weeks together.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

23 weeks

Another week bites the dust. Its been a busy week here again, I have been cleaning and working and hubs has been working overtime a bunch. It makes me super productive and the time he is home we just get to hang out and not have chores to do.

I have been doing lots of thinking about what to do with babys room and how to prepare. I dreamt last night about frames, I have been searching all over looking for frames. There were a few shabby chic white frames I liked online but no glass or backing so thats just more work. Hmm. Anyway today I went to Marshalls and BAM!! Tons of white, metal and brushed nickel colored frames. PERFECT!

My next big find is a darn rug. I have not seen any I like for a little girls room that aren't more than $150 dollars. I will keep looking. If I had a million dollars to spend I would have picked a damn rug already. There are really cute ones for the price of a small car.

I have also been struggling with the thought of selling the trundle bed that we have. The thing is we use it, but we don't have room for both a crib and a trundle. I don't want to get rid of it but it may be silly to keep it.. for what.

UGH, idk. Someone just tell me what to do? please.

Sorry for the shitty picture - lost both chargers so the computer had to do :) 

Pregnancy Symptoms: 

Skin: Not doing bad, belly is still super itchy. My hands have been dry from all the cleaning products lately but thats a constant issue. Still oily skin issues due to the humidity but thats summer. right?

Back Issues: Oh the chiropractor. Went again yesterday, it feels SO good. He told me that my leg length was off by 1/2 and inch. Hmm. Well he said he fixed it and I feel like a million bucks. By the end of the day my back is sore, you can tell it is holding more now. Weird. 

Eating: Pretty good on this front. Think I may have gained another pound since the doctors. I haven't been eating too much and its been good for you things. I dreamt last night about giving a lecture to a kid about complex vs simple carbs. Hilarious. 

Cramps/Pain: NO cramps in my legs to report this week. Thank God. 

Sleeping: Eh. Could be better. I wake up spontaneously in the night and then can't get back to sleep. wtf. 

Mentally: Doing ok, I have bouts of fear at times. I remind myself alot that she is coming. She will be here soon. 

Baby Kicks and Moves: Funny thing, she loves Katy Perry. Haha. So now I love Katy Perry. I think her hearing is getting better, I still talk to her all the time. Hubs still hasnt felt her, soon though. 

Nose and/Or Eye Issues: I have the stuffy feeling a lot still. Ce la vie. I realized that my eyes are definitely blurrier. I started to notice it when I sit at my desk and take my glasses off. Its hard to read my screen. 

Places I almost fainted at: None this week. WOW. I have been hot but the dizzy feeling hasn't returned. Nice :) 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Share the Love.

Last night was a big night.

I have been able to feel baby moving for a while now, first it was the watery feelings and then the pinching and twisting and kicking. The last week I have been able to feel it with my hand and everytime I try to grab Hubs to feel she stops moving.

Last night, I ate so much Chinese food I thought I was going to burst but Hubs was golfing and doesn't like Chinese as much so I took full advantage of the night by myself. Anywho... baby started moving like crazy, a couple times she got me good and it hurt but a few times it was on my right side and it moved my arm. So of course I called him over for nothing. Boo. Then she did it again when he was not ready, of course! Finally I just told him to keep his hand there and a few minutes later - we whipped our heads around to look at each other because SHE KICKED! She gave him a nice strong kick to the hand and his face lit up. He asked if that was her and I nodded.

I almost started crying I was so happy he finally got to feel her.

Finally. YEA! I am still so excited about it, we went to bed all giddy. It was the sweetest thing.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

365 days ago...

Is when we had our first miscarriage. The events of the day are forever etched in my mind. Its like a movie I have seen before but the feelings are too real. I was reading some of the posts I wrote to myself during that time and it was such a dark road. Its been a rough year, to say the least. We were boarding a cruise ship that next day and we were waiting to tell our families in person. The excitement hubs and I shared leading up to that day was so pure. It is similar to what we feel now but this time it is still different.

Its amazing what can happen in a year. I have been pregnant three times. We traveled to Ireland. I am carrying our daughter. The enormity of the emotions is hard to believe. So many highs and deep lows, I am grateful, especially that evening to have my best friend by my side wiping my tears away.

Yesterday I was offered a great opportunity to share my story, the same day my story really began. It is sort of a full circle. I am honored to be able to share my thoughts and tales. I am not afraid of what happened to me and my body during those periods. There is a sense of giving that I hope to feel, even if I am able to touch one woman who is down that dark road.  I am thankful. for so many things.

It is with disbelief that it has been a year; that I have have become who I am. Stronger.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Reality Check - Baby Girl on the Way

This weekend was wonderful, the Stetsons tied the knot! WAHOO. Its the last of the 3 amigos to get hitched and it was so much fun. Way tiring for this preggo but super fun. Thursday night was the bachelor party, of course Josh had the 'ol ball and chain. The guys had lots of fun, that was night one of limited sleep. I stayed to get Hubs and drive him home at 4am. Then a full day of work on Friday. Sigh le tired. 

Then Friday night was the rehearsal, and the dinner. It was at a super fun restaurant so very pretty inside. It used to be an old paper mill? or mill of some sort, maybe wood. Ehh. Still very pretty. Another later night. 

Then the big day! Saturday. I was not up super early 8ish maybe but I could tell I was sleepy. Oh and that night I woke up with the most awful pain I have ever felt in my leg. A nice cramp right below the back of my knee. I begged to have it cut off, legit. Awful. Anyhoo I hobbled around in the AM and then we were ready to rock at 2. The party didn't stop till midnight and I danced my butt off the whole night. So much fun! Josh was the happiest I have ever seen him and it was really sweet. Christina looked beautiful as always and we are so excited to share in their love. 

The one reality check that came that evening was the truthful fact that we are having a baby girl, a daughter who will someday wear a big fancy white dress and marry the man of her dreams. For both hubs and myself the Daddy/ Daughter dance was so emotional. Its crazy to think she will be here in 3ish months but let alone someday we will give her away. Their dance was beautiful. 

I can't wait to watch Daddy dance with his baby for years. To see him fall madly in love with her. And to be so proud of his Daughter. 

Just a little reality check. 

21 Weeks - Happy Birthday Husband!!

So another week has gone by, 19 more till we meet our baby.

Happy 29th Birthday Husband! I love you tons, and am so glad you liked my pie.

I am so behind on all this, the heat and the trip have put me behind. I have a ton of posts in the works so keep an ear out or an eye open.

Pregnancy Symptoms: 

Skin: Well the heat make me look like I bath in oil. Its hot and I am sweaty. My tummy is itchy per usual, most of the time when I am home I am in the least amount of clothes possible in this weather so the tummy is breathing. Funny thing I had to reposition myself at my desk to be further away because of said "growing tummy" ha funny.

Back Issues: Went to the Chiropractor this weekend, things are good. I still have the clicking noise in my lower back but everything is moving so it just comes with the territory.

Eating: Things have been good, ate some cake for the hubs birthday and felt sick afterwards. I am starting to get the "I ate too much" sick and the "I am hungry" sick. Awesome. Been really good with my water intake though. Most likely because it has been

Cramps/Pain: My legs. The horror. Woke me up out of a dead sleep and hurt for about 24 hours. Awesome.

Sleeping: The body pillow is a must. 'Nuff said.

Mentally: Trying to prepare. Somedays I just cannot wrap my mind around it.

Baby Kicks and Moves: There are some days I feel her wiggle all around and others not so much. I know its normal. It is still the best feeling in the world.

Nose Issues: Still stuffy at times but eh if thats the worst of it.

New Category: 

Places I almost fainted at: Ha LOVELY. But I had to add it because I totally feel like a loser when I start to get all flushed and dizzy. So as I mentioned, my body also likes to have hot flashes at the same time. At that moment I feel like I am on fire. Mind you this is coming from a hormonal pregnant woman so there may or may not be a slight exaggeration. Ok so living in the Hell like atmosphere in Rochester has led me to freak out in multiple places. 

Example 1. (this goes back to Ireland- when it first started showing up) The book of Kells. Hmm. That was a great exhibit. I don't recall much of it because I found a cold concrete wall to put my face on. Then Hubs and I found a chair and he fanned me. In public. Love. And humiliation. 

Example 2. Public market - Now I had my game face on here but at one point, it was getting hotter, there were more people and I started feeling super dizzy and flushed. I didn't have to sit down but had to remove myself from the situation. 

Example 3. Same day as public market but in Joannes. The craft store. A store with supposed air conditioning. Neg. I am walking around the paint section and it hits me like a ton of bricks, I am by myself and start sweating and find a place to lean on. I know I have to get out of there, I high tail it to the checkout. Of course Grandma is checking everyone out. By now I am pale, clammy, and need to get the hell out of there. Once I checked out I ran to the nearest Pita Pit and scarfed a humus pita so quickly. Result - one happy momma!

Still no complaints though. I will gladly take it all :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

We are having a Daughter...

Wow, what a day. I have been meaning to post this week still and I will I promise but more importantly, we found out today that we are having a girl. It is still hard to wrap my mind around the fact that our daughter is growing wonderfully in my belly. We saw her stretching and moving and her little legs were outstretched and then she crossed her ankles. Its unreal. So unreal.

We saw her brain halves and the chambers in her heart. Her stomach was full and so was her bladder. We saw her two kidneys and her little bones. She was measured and weighed in at 1 pound 2 ounces. Wow. Maybe thats why I have been so tired and eating tons the last few days. There is a one pound growing baby girl in my belly, wow. 

This is the best part of the pregnancy thus far! A few days ago the check out guy at Old Navy gave me a Congratulations and the security guards at Hubs work were joking about me swallowing a watermelon. I secretly love the attention, for now at least haha.

I am so joyful. Happy isn't even enough of a word. This is pure joy. This is the type of joy that brings tears to your eyes.

I love you my dear daughter Addison.

21 weeks 4 days ~ only 130 days to go

Monday, August 1, 2011

Doctors Appointment

I am so super excited to go to the Doctors on Thursday. I want to hear babys heartbeat again bad. I want to make sure everything is good in there. It has been four weeks since my last visit, which right now seems like forever!

This week we have our Anatomy Scan!! So we will be able to see baby again. My mind likes to play tricks on me and I enjoy the reassurance knowing everything is going as planned in there. 

Now that we are back from our trip and getting our lives back in order there is so much to do. Firstly I would like to say Happy Birthday to Jamie Gerard! Today is her special day, kisses from baby and me. I will post my 21 weeks tonight, we tried to take the picture yesterday but the battery was dead, go figure. This month is insane again, but it is summer and that happens year after year. This weekend we have the Stetson wedding, I am really excited to see everyone. Its been a pretty long time. Too long. Beh.

Hubs has been working every weekend which has been nice, the extra money is always a plus. Next weekend he has to proctor an exam at RIT and I will be volunteering at a 5k my company is sponsoring. The week after that we have a baby shower and then August is almost over! Geez!

I planned out our meals for a while, wrote those down and made homemade salsa yesterday. Along with other goodies for Hubs' birthday. (will post about those with week 21) I was a cooking machine yesterday, my kitchen is a mess but Hubs has golf today so I will be able to turn on the tunes and clean without interruption.

In all reality I am trying to keep myself busy so I can get to Thursday as quickly as possible!!!
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