Thursday, August 18, 2011

23 weeks

Another week bites the dust. Its been a busy week here again, I have been cleaning and working and hubs has been working overtime a bunch. It makes me super productive and the time he is home we just get to hang out and not have chores to do.

I have been doing lots of thinking about what to do with babys room and how to prepare. I dreamt last night about frames, I have been searching all over looking for frames. There were a few shabby chic white frames I liked online but no glass or backing so thats just more work. Hmm. Anyway today I went to Marshalls and BAM!! Tons of white, metal and brushed nickel colored frames. PERFECT!

My next big find is a darn rug. I have not seen any I like for a little girls room that aren't more than $150 dollars. I will keep looking. If I had a million dollars to spend I would have picked a damn rug already. There are really cute ones for the price of a small car.

I have also been struggling with the thought of selling the trundle bed that we have. The thing is we use it, but we don't have room for both a crib and a trundle. I don't want to get rid of it but it may be silly to keep it.. for what.

UGH, idk. Someone just tell me what to do? please.

Sorry for the shitty picture - lost both chargers so the computer had to do :) 

Pregnancy Symptoms: 

Skin: Not doing bad, belly is still super itchy. My hands have been dry from all the cleaning products lately but thats a constant issue. Still oily skin issues due to the humidity but thats summer. right?

Back Issues: Oh the chiropractor. Went again yesterday, it feels SO good. He told me that my leg length was off by 1/2 and inch. Hmm. Well he said he fixed it and I feel like a million bucks. By the end of the day my back is sore, you can tell it is holding more now. Weird. 

Eating: Pretty good on this front. Think I may have gained another pound since the doctors. I haven't been eating too much and its been good for you things. I dreamt last night about giving a lecture to a kid about complex vs simple carbs. Hilarious. 

Cramps/Pain: NO cramps in my legs to report this week. Thank God. 

Sleeping: Eh. Could be better. I wake up spontaneously in the night and then can't get back to sleep. wtf. 

Mentally: Doing ok, I have bouts of fear at times. I remind myself alot that she is coming. She will be here soon. 

Baby Kicks and Moves: Funny thing, she loves Katy Perry. Haha. So now I love Katy Perry. I think her hearing is getting better, I still talk to her all the time. Hubs still hasnt felt her, soon though. 

Nose and/Or Eye Issues: I have the stuffy feeling a lot still. Ce la vie. I realized that my eyes are definitely blurrier. I started to notice it when I sit at my desk and take my glasses off. Its hard to read my screen. 

Places I almost fainted at: None this week. WOW. I have been hot but the dizzy feeling hasn't returned. Nice :) 

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