Sunday, August 21, 2011

Addisons Room

Addisons Room

So I have been going over what I want to do for babys room and I thought I would start with putting my current ideas together and see where that gets me.

The room color is a Green Tea (block of color) we arent changing it because we just painted and we picked a color neutral enough for either gender.

From there I have been looking for a rug, nothing too kid-ish, something we can all grow with but that has a little flare to it. I found this one on Overstock, I have come to the conclusion that I will sell the trundle bed to buy the rug. Fair.

I am also planning on lots of frames, the Shabby Chic kind - white, ornate and I will throw some silver ones in there too.

Now we already have a crib and changing table - thank you M&D - so we did not need to worry about those and they are an oak color which is the same as the floor. Perfect. The one big item we are going to purchase (and have added to our registry *Wink *Wink) is the chair, I really want to splurge and get a really nice one. This one is a recliner, glider and swivel chair. Perfect. I like the style of the bigger picture but the color of the smaller one.

For the crib bedding we are going to have a hand made quilt - thank you Papa - (some fabric possibilities are at the bottom) and going to go with a light pink bumper. I am not going to have the skirt as I would like to use the storage space underneath and with all the animals, I am sure that would become the secret hiding ground for dust bunnies.

The last thing I have to figure out are the windows, I am thinking I will have the cord free blinds that we got for our bedroom, they let nice light in and no cords! I think I will also have some sort of drape or valance. Not sure which one yet but we are getting there. 

Well thats all for tonight folks. I will post the 24 (WAHOO) week picture tomorrow... hopefully. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Misspelled the last one! Anyway, I like the cord free blinds. Gram will have a lot more to say.

  3. Glad you figured out how to type, Grandma was saying she couldn't get it.

  4. Looks cute! I love a babys room that does not scream BABY! :) Something that can grow with them. Where is the chair from? BRUS?


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