Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Time for me... Say What!?

I received this via Baby Center:

Your life: Taking time for yourself

For most new moms, 
the last priority on the list is the item called "me." Baby care, holding down a job, and running a household all tend to come first. But making yourself a priority is important because if you don't, running the rest of your life is all the more difficult. It's like trying to operate a car without gas.

Schedule in one activity on a regular basis that's just for you — an exercise class or lunch with a friend, for example. 
Then learn to make the most of any break you get by making a list of any "me" activities you miss (reading, knitting, Web surfing) and fitting them in here and there.


Seriously! Its like they know what I am thinking! 

The funniest part is that I have a hair appointment scheduled for tomorrow. Woo. I have not had my hair cut since October maybe. Yea it needs it. I think its all done falling out like mad, now it just needs a fresh cut. I also need to make an appointment for the dermatologist and an eye exam. 

A show I fell in love with on maternity leave The Revolution has some great tips and tricks. Unfortunately this show is being canceled BOO! HISS! There is no show out there like this and I think if it had a different time slot it may have reached more people. Anywho... I have used this to get myself motivated and  start my revolution. 

I believe a certain someone entering my life also motivated me to get it all in gear. As I have mentioned I am on Weight Watchers and its going, I am not going to beat myself up about the fact that I have just been going up and then down but its been a big adjustment. I look back at the last 6 months, breast-feeding, recovery, anxiety medicine, birth control, so many hormonal changes that I can't fault my body for taking time to adjust and not shed the weight as quickly as I would like. 

At least now I am getting into my routines, meal planning, chores and finances. I will share my schedules when I have them all finished. 

For now I have been getting my Google Chrome all set up. Seriously if you love techy stuff try this out. Its great! I like the widgets or apps that are on the homepage and it saves the bookmarks from my home computer and my work computer. So convenient. Seriously go look. 

I am also hoping to have the next installment of pictures up tonight or tomorrow. Most likely tomorrow. 

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