Sunday, March 9, 2014

Baby No. 2 has a Birthdate

We are getting to the final stages here, I met with the doctor this past week for my 33 week check up and she asked if the hospital had called to schedule my C-Section. We have been teetering on this idea, mainly knowing that it would most likely go in this direction but it was a wait and see game. As the weeks went on I am still growing a 'big' baby and when it came time she made the call. I had not heard from them two weeks ago when she originally put in the request and at this past appointment I had not heard from them either. The Dr. told me to call by Friday if I had not heard, of which I did to only hear - 'oh hunny you've already been scheduled' - Hmm okay. Was anyone going to let me know?! She then told me that I should be receiving my letter in the mail and there is a packet waiting for me at my next appointment on the 21st.

I then asked when I was scheduled and I was then told the day that baby #2 would be born:

April 15th

Boom. And with that piece of knowledge life changed a little. And then a small nugget of panic set in because as of today thats 37 days away. Gulp. Now as I have mentioned before we have not done a whole ton in preparation for this baby and part of me is okay with that as we have all the -stuff-. A lot of stuff but then again I don't feel ready. I need nice weather to get outside and install the car seats into the cars, and clean out all the winter crap thats in there. I need to organize the bins upstairs for easy access to baby clothes, and we need to finish moving Addie's room so I can A) Get all her clothes out of our room and the babys room and B) so that I can start getting the babys room somewhat ready with baby stuff. I mean if I really need to clean out a drawer we can but thats a waste of a crib except big sissy is still using the crib mattress. Oh geez. We have moved the old office stuff downstairs but thats not all organized yet either. Oh boy. 

Then there is the fact that in 37 days we will find out if we are having a little girl or little boy. That brings an extra excitement to this whole process. I don't care either way because both sides have their positives. But not knowing has been pretty exciting. Most people are somewhat shocked to find out that we don't know and then they ask if we did not know for our first. It has been interesting hearing the questions thus far. 

I feel like someone took an extra month from me. Everything will be fine and I know that. Just a little shock to the system but so very excited for the next 37 days to go by so we can meet our new family member. 

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