Saturday, March 21, 2015

Family Happenings

We have been back in Georgia for a week now, it feels really good to be home. It feels good to be back to my normal routine, grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry. Its quite humorous that those things make me feel more at home but its the truth.

Jackson has taken his first steps of which I captured and sent to Daniel on video. Then he posted them on FB so if you haven't seen Jackson stepping and mommy squealing go check it out. I am happy and saddened by this. Of course it is amazing to watch him hit his milestones but then I am losing a little part of my baby. It seems like yesterday that Addison was born but she is my big three year old who is so independent and will start pre-school in the fall. Jackson is not far behind, today its first steps, then first words and then college.
..::slight exaggeration maybe::..

This week was a hectic one we got home Monday late afternoon. We unpacked our stuff from the car and ate dinner, showers and bedtime. I had to go to the doctor twice this week and Daniels car would not start Tuesday morning. The car is all fixed now thanks to a mechanic and some hard earned money of course. As for the doctors I have been cleared to start medications. I started with estrogen patches and pills yesterday, we also sent back the signed contract Friday. This surrogate process is getting really real.

I was also given my transfer date of April 7th. That means I will most likely be flying into Las Vegas the night before and patiently waiting for my transfer time. For those who do not know about the IVF process, the embryo is already waiting for me and what the doctor will simply do is transfer the embryo into my uterus for housing. Then we wait two weeks for blood work to see if we have a positive pregnancy. I am very hopeful, I am super diligent with my medications and making sure I am ready. This whole process is so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. I am excited for the intended parents, I keep flashing to the moment they meet their baby and it brings so much joy to my heart. Now I know we have a long road until we get there and I understand things change on a dime so for today I am making sure my hydration is on point and my meds are taken at the right times.

I took a bunch of pictures from Jacksons birthday but I haven't even uploaded them yet. Mom Fail. Meh they will get done. He knows I love him, I only tell him a hundred times a day.

I have some really cute pictures of both my children I hope to add to the next post and as usual check my instagram @keifferfamily for all the ones I chose to post :)

Until next time, hopefully soon.

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