Wednesday, May 25, 2011

We've got a mover and a shaker!

Ahh today was great, we got to see our baby again. We had our 1st trimester screening for downs syndrome and its an ultrasound. We got to sit and watch our baby for a half an hour. We saw the baby twirling and flipping and swimming all around. I loved it. It was amazing. There was a slight apprehension because who knows, there could be something really wrong but as soon as the baby popped on the screen I saw the little heart flicker and I fell in love again.

Its funny cause each of the pictures are all different, that baby was moving so much. It was amazing. It is so crazy to sit here all day and know that bambino is moving all around, I can't feel it yet but I know soon I will start to feel him or her.

It just sinks in that much more. Not that I forget but I focus more on how I am feeling, rather than the amazing wonders that are going on in my belly. Watching the little hands move all over and the little lips I will smooching opening and closing. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh it was amazing.

There is some slight smudges on my heart from all my other lost babies... it's a realization that this is my third pregnancy. Its bitter sweet, but we are so thankful... so thankful. What a miracle. It's swimming in my belly. I am hoping within the next month I start to feel the flutters. For now I am just so glad I got to peek inside and see our baby so happy and healthy in my womb.

So we put the crib together to start figuring out how we are going to put the room together. It has been in black trash bags since last summer and it was time to start unpacking. I leave the door open so I can walk by and see the crib in there. 6 more months till we will have our little wiggle worm in our arms. I am so beyond excited. I am starting to feel better which will be good, there is lots of housework I need to do. This weekend is a nice long one so hopefully I can paint the hallway and we can work on some house stuff.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! Perhaps all your tummy sickness is actually motion sickness from all the dancing around baby Keiffer is doing!!! ;-)

    The three of you are in our thoughts!


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